The body remembers everything. What role does psychological trauma play in a person’s life and what techniques help overcome it?


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The body remembers everything. What role does psychological trauma play in a person’s life and what techniques help overcome it?


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We've all experienced physical trauma and are familiar with it. What do we know about psychology? After all, no matter how trite it may sound, often a moral trauma leaves a greater imprint on our lives than a wound on the body. A cut will quickly heal, a fracture will heal, but how will psychological trauma manifest itself at a conscious age, how can it interfere with normal life, and what can be done about it? Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk, one of the world's most renowned trauma specialists, has spent over 30 years studying post-traumatic stress disorder. Bringing together all of trauma research, his experience and the stories of his patients, in this book he explains how trauma literally changes the body and brain, depriving those who experience it of normal life, close relationships and self-control. But there is good news - the author will tell you how we can help ourselves and our loved ones in this situation. Exploring a variety of healing options, from meditation, yoga and sports to theater classes, Dr. Bessel offers new paths to recovery by activating the brain's natural neuroplasticity. Thus, the doctor gives hope for recovery and a full life to those who are faced with trauma. Attention! The information contained in this book is not a substitute for medical advice. Before taking any recommended action, you should consult with a specialist. 

Barcode:   SKU: 70419952 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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