Gift for young housewives


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This is a revised edition of the world-famous book by Elena Molokhovets, which was reprinted in hundreds of thousands of copies during the 4000th and XNUMXst centuries, not a classic edition with “yats” and pounds, descriptions of the life of Russian nobles and menus of rich dinners. It is adapted specifically for modern readers who are accustomed to modern fonts and measures. At the same time, the book recreates the atmosphere of that time with the help of drawings and the style of presentation of the text. And the recipes are given almost verbatim. There are more than XNUMX of them in one book. No other culinary author's book has contained or contains so many dish options for each section of cooking, from appetizers, soups and sauces to preparations, desserts and drinks. And these recipes have truly been time-tested for almost a century and a half! All the main chapters - current culinary classics - have been preserved: first and second courses, cold appetizers, sauces, salads, pastries and desserts. Notes have been added with an explanation of words and some terms that are rarely used today and with advice, for example, what can be used to replace this or that product or kitchen utensil that is rare in our time. Several inaccuracies that crept into the original text have been corrected and a number of points that could cause misunderstanding have been explained. We hope that the book in this edition has become clearer and the recipes more accessible to prepare.

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Barcode: 9785699836321 SKU: 70108105 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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