Explanatory dictionary of Church Slavonic words found in the Holy Gospel, Book of Hours and Psalter


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Church Slavonic reading is a compulsory subject of instruction in our schools. The gospel, the Psalter and the Book of Hours are used as books for this reading. It goes without saying that the reading of these books should not be a mechanical, useless exercise; it is necessary that it be intelligent and conscious reading, so that students understand what they are reading and can convey what they read. To serve as an aid to such reading is the direct purpose of our dictionary. Containing in itself incomprehensible and obscure words found in the books mentioned, he gives as brief and accurate an explanation as possible of the meaning of this or that word. Since some words in different places of Holy Scripture have different meanings, it is considered not superfluous to indicate these meanings, as well as to designate those places where these meanings should be used. From this, quotations or references to the chapters of this or that Gospel and to the psalms necessarily appear in the dictionary.

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Barcode: 9785880602421|5880602427 SKU: 70148116 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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