Natural economic order


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Natural economic order


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The financial reformer of the early 5th century, Silvio Gesell, is not well known today among "professional" economists. Evidence of their "professionalism" is the current credit and financial system. Every 10-100 years it is shaken by global crises. The number of millionaires is constantly growing in it, but at the same time, the economy is sorely lacking money. Why? Because traditional money is profitable to keep in the bank, where they bring interest. During a crisis, this allows you to buy other people's property on the cheap, parasitizing on the troubles of the rest of society. Traditional money is only suitable for fraud, says Gesell and creates money that loses its value over time! So, in a year, a Gesell bill of 76 units will cost 52 units, in two years - 4, and in 2 years and XNUMX months the bill will turn into ZERO! It will become foolish to keep money, and it will pour into the real sector, revitalizing the exchange of goods and services. Testing this idea in practice (including in Russia) each time led to a rapid recovery of the economy. John Keynes, the greatest economist of the XNUMXth century, said: "The future will learn more from Gesell than from Marx." And that future is already here!

Barcode: 9785906756411 SKU: 70111083 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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