Biotensegrity. How Anatomy Trains, Osteopathy and Kinesiology work and what can make these techniques as effective as possible


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Biotensegrity. How Anatomy Trains, Osteopathy and Kinesiology work and what can make these techniques as effective as possible


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For 20 years now, T. Myers' book "Anatomical Trains" has opened up a completely new understanding of anatomical and functional relationships for practitioners of physiotherapy, rehabilitation and fitness, overcoming the fragmentation and fragmentation of traditional teaching of anatomy as a list of individual muscles, ligaments, bones, etc. But what are the myofascial meridians of the “anatomical trains” that glorified T. Myers in a broader sense? These are particular examples of synergies in dynamic tension networks in the human body. In his book, T. Myers, of course, mentions and explains the concept of tensegrity, referring to R.B. Fuller, but does so very briefly and without further development. G. Skarr's book is the next step for those who have become convinced in practice of the applicability and benefits of those particular particular synergies that T. Myers speaks about, and are now motivated to go further and begin to understand not only particular examples, but also the most general principles and processes of synergies in our body.

Barcode: 9785041135027 SKU: 70159560 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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