Football anatomy


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Football anatomy


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Reveal all the secrets of this wonderful sport! The new edition of Anatomy of Football will show you how to improve your playing skills by increasing the strength, speed, agility of players for more accurate passes and powerful shots on the ball.

The book contains 95 specialized exercises with step-by-step instructions and full-color anatomical illustrations that demonstrate how muscles work in motion.

Exercises are organized into sections according to body parts: for the muscles of the abdomen, back and pelvic girdle, shoulders and neck, arms and legs. Their options allow you to focus on specific areas or modify basic exercises to suit your age, athletic experience, and training goals. Also in the book you will find exercises and recommendations aimed at minimizing football-specific injuries, in particular damage to the knees, pelvic girdle, groin, thigh and calf muscles. Here is the complete warm-up program recommended by FIFA to reduce the likelihood of common injuries.

The book also explains how each exercise improves the quality of the game, and illustrations help you understand how they will benefit you specifically. The Anatomy of Football is a unique guide to a unique sport. Whether you're a coach, player, or just a big football fan, this book should have a place on your bookshelf.

Barcode: 9789851547971 SKU: 70145142 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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