Breakfast at Sotheby's. The world of art from A to Z


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Breakfast at Sotheby's. The world of art from A to Z


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Breakfast at Sotheby's by Philip Hook is a witty and engaging exploration of the phenomenon of art and its commercial value. The well-known English art critic, an employee of the famous auction houses Sotheby and Christie, who is familiar with the mysterious life of the art market hidden from the eyes of amateurs, focuses on the secret of the popularity of individual artists and creative trends, the relationship of artists and models, the history of sensational kidnappings. and fakes. What's the cost? Why does a work become an "icon"? Which of the artists managed to create their own brand? Is it possible to protect yourself from fakes? How was the Mona Lisa stolen? Philip Hook will guide the reader through the labyrinths of the art market and offer his own answers to these and many other questions.

Barcode: 9785389102453 SKU: 70083789 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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