Sacred flower. A monster called Hou Hou. She and Allan. Treasure of the lake 


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Sacred flower. A monster called Hou Hou. She and Allan. Treasure of the lake 


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The fearless hunter Allan Quatermain, nicknamed Macumazan, which means "a man who gets up after midnight," never liked the dampness and stiffness of his native England, preferring the hot dusty expanse of the African veld; he was attracted by the unknown, full of dangers of the lands of the Black Continent, where simple-hearted and cruel people live, like all children of nature, where herds of wild buffalo roam and ferocious lions roar at night. This life was to the liking of Quatermain, the favorite character of the remarkable writer Henry Ryder Haggard (1856-1925), who dedicated many books to the brave hunter. Allan Quatermain's cycle of adventures continues with "The Sacred Flower", "The Beast Called How-How", "She and Allan" (the novel is being released in a new translation), "The Treasure of the Lake". These works are printed with the notes of the English publishers preserved. The book is illustrated with classic drawings by Maurice Greifenhagen and wonderful graphics by Elena Shipitsyna.

Barcode: 9785389169722 SKU: 70160604 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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