Dreams of trains


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Combining, like an ancient psalm, sadness and light, the book of the recognized classic of modern American literature Denis Johnson (1949–2017) tells the story of Robert Grainier, a reluctant hermit whose life spanning almost two-thirds of the XNUMXth century, passed among hills, rivers and railroads. paths of Northern Idaho. This is a story about a world in which, despite the suffering that overwhelms it, the transcendent beauty breaks through every now and then: it is beyond the power of the main character to comprehend, capture, express it in words - it can only be witnessed by someone free from thoughts and memories, from worries. and hopes, from speech, from language itself. This could be the dream that the train had, if trains could dream.

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Barcode: 9785001313755 SKU: 70155897 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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