Stone's dissection


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“Cutting Stone” is a lifelong love story, a story of betrayal and redemption, human frailty and fortitude, exile and a long return home. In the mission hospital of Addis Ababa, under tragic, truly Shakespearean circumstances, two boys are born, two twins joined at the back of their heads, Marion and Shiva. Born to a beautiful Indian nun, the boys were orphaned as soon as they were born. The skill and courage of the doctors who separated them immediately after birth determined their destiny. Marion and Shiva will connect their futures with medicine, but each will go their own way. An amazing, tragic and full of incredible events awaits them. Absolutely happy childhood and dramatic youth, the search for oneself and one’s roots, the search for a father, betrayal and a passionate desire to atone for guilt, love that looks like an obsession, and jealousy that eats away the soul. And all this under the shadow of medicine, which is the essence of everyone’s life. No matter what happened to the heroes of this truly great novel, no matter what torment they experienced, the main thing for them always remained surgery - the business for which they came into this world. 

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Barcode: 9785864719602 SKU: 70184154 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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