Python for network engineers. Network automation, programming and DevOps


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Python for network engineers. Network automation, programming and DevOps


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Networks form the basis for deploying, supporting, and maintaining applications. Python is the ideal language for network engineers, offering tools that were previously only available to systems engineers and application developers. After reading this book, you will transform from an ordinary network engineer into a network developer prepared to meet the next generation of networks. The third edition has been completely revised and updated for use with Python 3. In addition to new chapters on analyzing network data using the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and Beats) and Azure Cloud Networking, it includes information on using Ansible and the pyATS and Nornir frameworks. Additionally, the examples have been updated to better understand concepts and ensure compatibility.

Barcode: 9785446117697 SKU: 70182074 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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