Polotsk war. Essays on the history of the Russo-Lithuanian confrontation in the times of Ivan the Terrible. 1562-1570


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In the history of the Russian-Polish-Lithuanian confrontation, which lasted intermittently for two hundred years, from 1486 to 1686, the war of 1562–1570. occupies the most important place. During this conflict, which can rightfully be called the Polotsk war, it was Polotsk that became the main goal of Ivan the Terrible, and the main events unfolded around it. In the course of this conflict, two political systems, Muscovite Rus and Lithuanian Rus, held the test. And if Moscow Rus passed this most difficult test, then Lithuanian Rus did not stand the test and, following the results of the war, ceased to exist as a political entity, de facto absorbed by Poland as a result of the Union of Lublin in 1569. The unsuccessful course of the Polotsk War for Vilna, which, despite the fact that the Lithuanian troops repeatedly prevailed over the Russian regiments, yet Moscow won on points, predetermined the end of the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and changed the history of Eastern Europe for several centuries to come.
Of all the components of the history of the Polotsk War, it is its military history in domestic and even more so foreign historiography that is clearly insufficiently studied and is accompanied by a trail of old myths and misconceptions. This is largely due to the fact that the attention of researchers, as a rule, was attracted by the turbulent events of Russian political history in the 60s. XNUMXth century Only the main event of the war turned out to be in a better position - the siege and capture of Polotsk by Russian troops, but the history of this war is by no means exhausted by this significant event. This study is intended to correct at least partly this injustice. Without pretending to the absolute completeness and completeness of the description of the conflict, the author believes that this work will be of interest to teachers, students and everyone who is interested in the military history of Russia in the XNUMXth century, the history of Russian military affairs and Russian society of that era.

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Barcode: 9785227089328 SKU: 70132392 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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