Lonely Hearts Hotel


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Lonely Hearts Hotel


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In the winter of 1914, two babies were thrown into an orphanage in Montreal. It soon turned out that they were incredibly talented: Pierrot became a virtuoso pianist; Rosa's charming dance and comic skits illuminated even the most gloomy atmosphere. Roaming the city and giving performances in wealthy homes that clowns could envy, two blessed teenagers fell in love with each other and began to dream of creating the most unusual and exciting circus show the world had ever seen. To survive during the Great Depression, separated and sent into service, Rosa and Pierrot became close to the underworld of Montreal, mired in debauchery, drug addiction and theft. But one day, after many years of searching for each other and ordeals, at night, when it was thick snow, they met again—and did everything possible to fulfill their childhood dreams. Soon Rosa, Pierrot, their troupe of clowns and corps de ballet dancers conquered New York, as decisively established on the stage as on the streets of the city. Since then, neither the theater nor the underworld have been the same as before ... The modern Canadian writer Heather O'Neill pairs tragedy and fairy tale in her novel, creating an unusual world where despair and love coexist, and fascinates with the magic of her story. Inhabited by complex characters, The Hotel of the Lonely Hearts is replete with unexpected twists and turns, contains colorful descriptions and is distinguished by an inimitable tonality of style, both restrained and capacious, shockingly intimate and philosophically sophisticated.

Barcode: 9786012715347 SKU: 70173174 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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