Find an idea. Introduction to TRIZ-theory of inventive problem solving


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in TRIZ - the theory of inventive problem solving.
Many tried to comprehend the secret of creativity, but only Genrikh Saulovich
Altshuller managed to create a coherent theory for solving inventive problems -
TRIZ. Having studied tens of thousands of patents and copyright certificates, Altshuller
discovered the basic laws of invention and showed that the process of creating
inventions are controlled. The process of invention requires correct
organization of thinking, overcoming psychological inertia, striving for
ideal solution, resolving the contradiction hidden in any non-standard
task. TRIZ is recognized worldwide and is used to solve creative problems
in many areas of human activity, starting with design and
design and ending with advertising, PR, management.
The book will be of interest to anyone who seeks to improve efficiency
creativity, and will be useful not only to inventors and engineers, but also
businessmen, managers, people of creative professions, students and schoolchildren.

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Barcode: 9785961468748 SKU: 70111272 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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