Kolyma stories


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Kolyma stories


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Varlam Shalamov (1907-1982) - an outstanding Russian prose writer and poet who spent seventeen years in Stalin's camps. “Remember, most importantly, the camp is a negative school from the first to the last day for anyone,” Shalamov wrote. - A person - neither the head nor the prisoner needs to see him. But if you saw him, you must tell the truth, no matter how terrible it may be. For my part, I decided a long time ago that I would devote the rest of my life to this very truth. "Kolyma Tales" is the main work of V. Shalamov, which tells about the life of prisoners in labor camps in 1930–1950. The stories were written in 1954–1973. and in this edition are presented in full - in six cycles: "Kolyma Tales", "Left Bank", "Artist of the Shovel", "Essays on the Underworld", "Resurrection of the Larch", "Glove, or KR-2". The first publications of Shalamov's stories took place in 1966-1976. in the American Russian-language "New Journal"; in the homeland of the writer, the works saw the light only after the death of the author in the late 1980s.

Barcode: 9785389170179 SKU: 70133153 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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