Wuthering Heights


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Wuthering Heights


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In the judgments of contemporaries and descendants of Emily Bronte (1818–1848), the idea that she was much more a poet than a novelist sounded more than once, and meanwhile, the writer entered the history of literature primarily as the author of the famous novel Wuthering Heights. It was called "the most romantic novel", "a diabolical book that combined all the strongest female inclinations", one of the best novels "in terms of strength and penetration of style." Reading the novel leaves no one indifferent. This full of love and hate story of the fatal passion of Heathcliff, the adopted son of the owner of the Wuthering Heights estate, for the owner's daughter Catherine again and again finds its reader. As before, she attracts, bewitching with her beauty and striking with the depth of the author's penetration into the secrets of the human soul.

Barcode: 9785389060098 SKU: 70125616 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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