Grammar of the German language. According to the new rules of spelling and punctuation of the German language


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"German Grammar" by Ivan Tagil is one of the best reference books on the German language, it has a well-deserved success with readers and is highly appreciated by experts. The new, eighth edition of the Grammar has been revised and supplemented to take into account the latest changes and emerging trends in the German language. The reference book makes it possible to thoroughly understand all the intricacies of German grammar, so it is indispensable for self-study. The material in the publication is arranged according to the principle from simple to complex and is well structured - all grammatical phenomena are given sequentially, with a large number of examples, which are supported by translation into Russian. "Grammar" is addressed to both beginners in learning the language, and those who want to improve their knowledge. The publication will be useful to schoolchildren, students of linguistic and non-linguistic universities, as well as teachers and translators.

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Barcode: 9785992515084 SKU: 70428323 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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