Food for geniuses. How to increase your IQ at breakfast, boost your brain performance at lunch, and boost your memory at dinner


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Fatigue, a feeling of "fog" in the head, forgetfulness, irritability or anxiety - many are accustomed to attribute these symptoms to fatigue from a busy day at work or lack of sleep. But these are markers of much more serious problems with the brain - Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, many types of dementia, which can develop for several years before the first alarm bells appear. Modern research shows that the progression of neurodegenerative diseases is largely due to poor diet and lifestyle.
Max Lugawer and Paul Greval, MD, have developed an "ingenious program" that will help improve brain function, memory, ability to analyze and become more energetic and productive, as well as protect the brain from premature aging or get rid of the symptoms of cognitive impairment. You will learn what kind of food your brain prefers, what is good for it and what is a real poison, what kind of stress helps us to concentrate and what physical activities start the process of clearing the brain of harmful inflammation. The bonus of the program will be a good mood, productivity, weight loss and prevention of brain diseases.

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Publication language: Russian

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