Dialogues. State


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Dialogues. State


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Plato is a great ancient Greek philosopher, whose ideas had a huge impact on the formation of the human spirit and the culture of human thought in subsequent centuries. It is from him, a student of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle, that the formation of scientific thinking in the strict sense of the word begins. But Plato was also always regarded as an authoritative mystic, who tried to convey to people the knowledge of pure being and the Good. In this edition, the reader is offered selected dialogues of Plato - Alcibiades I, Gorgias, Phaedo, Feast, Phaedrus, which deal with three major topics: the nature of philosophical knowledge, ethical doctrine in connection with the proofs of the immortality of the soul, and love as a force that turns a person to knowledge and makes him god-like. In the famous dialogue "The State", the philosopher tried to cover the main issues of human existence. The dialogue opens with attempts to define the concept of justice, then the thinker considers six forms of state government - monarchy, aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy and tyranny - and finally proceeds to describe the ideal state ruled by philosophers, "since only the wise can take care of the right way of life all citizens."

Barcode: 9785389198845 SKU: 70149731 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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