The lonely white sail grows white


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The lonely white sail grows white


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Valentin Petrovich Kataev is one of the classics of Russian literature of the 1936th century. A prose writer, playwright, war correspondent, the first editor-in-chief of the Youth magazine, he left a significant mark on Russian culture. The most famous work of Kataev, which was part of the school curriculum - the story "The Lonely Sail Turns White" (1905) - tells about the growing up of the Odessa boys Petya and Gavrik, who happened to meet with a sailor from the revolutionary battleship Potemkin and take part in the XNUMX revolution themselves. The story is largely autobiographical: this is felt, for example, in the unusually lively pictures of Kataev's native Odessa. The continuation of the famous story was three more works, united in the tetralogy "Waves of the Black Sea": Petya and Gavrik meet again - first during the Civil War, and then during the Great Patriotic War, when they become underground fighters in occupied Odessa.

Barcode: 9785389200395 SKU: 70151257 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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