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Evgeny Vodolazkin is a prose writer and philologist. He is the author of the bestseller "Laurus" and the elegant historical fiction "Soloviev and Larionov". In Russia he is called "Russian Umberto Eco", in America - after the release of "Lavr" in English - "Russian Marquez". It's enough for him to be himself. Vodolazkin's works have been translated into many foreign languages.
The hero of the new novel The Aviator is a man in a state of tabula rasa: once waking up in a hospital bed, he realizes that he knows absolutely nothing about himself - neither his name, nor who he is, nor where he is. Hoping to restore the history of his life, he begins to write down his fragmentary and chaotic memories that came to him: St. remembers exactly the details of everyday life, phrases, smells, sounds of that time, if the calendar shows 1917?..

On the front side of the binding is a drawing by Mikhail Shemyakin, created especially for this book.

Barcode: 9785170966554 SKU: 70100361 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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