Archimandrite Naum on the Saving Approach to Confession: Confession of a Modern Man


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In this book of one of the pillars of the eldership of the twentieth century, the confessor of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the ever-memorable Archimandrite Naum (Bayborodina; 1927–2017), there are a lot of wise and useful tips for a Christian. Batiushka never tired of repeating to his spiritual children: “For his salvation, everyone must go through the path of purification through the fulfillment of the commandments, fasting, abstinence, through a chaste life, unceasing prayer and worthy communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.” Particular attention is paid to the sermons, instructions and conversations of the Father about confession, about repentance - turning our minds to God, as well as about Holy Communion and chastity.

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Barcode: 9785001271680 SKU: 70136911 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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