0,05. Evidence-based medicine from magic to the search for immortality


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How did magical medicine work and why were the sick ordered to go to the executions of criminals? From what diseases, according to mystic doctors, did lily of the valley, wild cucumber and bear hair help? What was Hippocrates right and what was wrong? Why was childbirth on the street less likely to end in puerperal fever in the XNUMXth century than childbirth surrounded by doctors in a hospital? What are clinical trials and how are they carried out? Who are biohackers and how do modern experts look for the elixir of immortality? How are patients selected for trials, and why is this often error-prone? What is evidence-based medicine and how does it differ from alternative medicine? What are the main arguments and slogans of the supporters of the latter, and why are they fundamentally wrong? How does real medicine differ from charlatanism and magical practices? Peter Talantov's book contains all the comprehensive information about how evidence-based medicine was born, what state it is in now, and what its future is.

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Barcode: 9785171141110 SKU: 70128308 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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