Cruelty. The history of violence in culture and the destinies of humanity


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Cruelty. The history of violence in culture and the destinies of humanity


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Man is a “cruel animal.” This radical thesis is the starting point of the discursive history of cruelty. Cultural scientist Wolfgang Müller-Funk defines cruelty as part of the civilizing process and offers his perspective on this heartbreaking aspect of human evolution that eludes conventional descriptions. His twelve-chapter history covers Robert Musil and Ernst Jünger, Seneca and Friedrich Nietzsche, Elias Canetti and the Marquis de Sade, Jean Amery and Mario Llosa, Sigmund Freud and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Ismail Kadar and Arthur Koestler - Wolfgang Müller-Funk tells a cautionary tale of cruelty and offers a philosophical way to resist its temptations.

Barcode: 9785171528270 SKU: 70175714 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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