Conquest of Mexico. Conquest of Peru. In 2 volumes


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Conquest of Mexico. Conquest of Peru. In 2 volumes


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The scientific works of the XNUMXth century American historian William Prescott "The Conquest of Mexico" and "The Conquest of Peru" were repeatedly reprinted in the original language and remain relevant and authoritative to this day, thanks to the author's scrupulous multifaceted approach to the study of sources and their critical analysis, which was unprecedented among historians. that time. Some modern critics believe that Prescott did not pay "enough attention to detail", contenting himself with a broad and general description of events. However, the books are written in a lively, engaging language, not alien to emotions and colorful descriptions - which makes his works a fascinating read for any reader interested in the history and culture of the Aztecs and Incas. For a wide range of readers.

Barcode: 9785906557582|9785906557599 SKU: 70151037 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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