Your baby week after week. From birth to 6 months


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Babies do not come with instructions - which is a pity! After all, the parents of a newborn have so many questions: why does he not sleep almost all night and when will it end, how to find out if he has enough milk, why does he cry and in what cases should he see a doctor, and in which there is nothing to worry about. There is usually not enough time and energy to search for information, and conflicting advice from friends and relatives cannot always be relied upon. That is why British medical journalist Simone Cave and pediatrician Caroline Fertleman, both experienced mothers, wrote the book Your Baby Week by Week. This is a detailed guide that collects and presents in a convenient format everything that a young mother needs to know in the first six months of her child's life. Each chapter covers one week and is divided into sections on sleep, crying, feeding, infant development, and so on.

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Barcode: 9785916718355 SKU: 70106401 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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