Training vision with stereo images


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Training vision with stereo images


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The album "Training vision with stereo images" was created and developed with the support of leading ophthalmologists specifically for preventive support and restoration of vision.
You will find, for example, an island in the ocean, a winter forest, a Japanese garden and other pictures that can be united by the common theme ANTI-STRESS - sports, recreation, travel. This book is a continuation of the Vision Training Album. It includes more complex plot pictures with detailed drawing. Top 3 main advantages: 3. Universal gift for any occasion; 2. Designed with the support of ophthalmologists; 1. Multilayer stereograms of different levels of complexity. What we will find inside: • stereo images (stereograms) of different levels of complexity; • responses to stereograms; • polychromatic pictures to detect color blindness and its manifestations; • various tasks for training vision and pictures for the prevention of "lazy eye"; • gymnastics for the eyes. It is important to know: • due to the peculiarities of looking at stereo images, blood circulation is enhanced, which improves the functioning of the organ of vision; tension occurs, and then relaxation of the eye muscle, which has a positive effect on visual acuity; • regular exercise with the album will be useful for myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism, without impairing vision, relieve eyes from fatigue, help relieve vision; • looking at stereo images both contributes to the development of concentration and helps to relax, immerse yourself in your own thoughts, in a state of peace, relaxation. This will help relieve accumulated stress or come to the necessary decision, choice; • it is recommended to use stereo images and perform other tasks from the album during breaks or after long, monotonous work that requires eye strain: reading, working at a computer or gadgets, watching TV, etc.

Barcode: 9785436607993 SKU: 70170493 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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