Therapeutic tales are simulators. Learning to make the right decisions


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Therapeutic tales are simulators. Learning to make the right decisions


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Your children have a wonderful opportunity to learn how to make good choices. Fairy tales will help them think correctly: put them in difficult but real situations in which they need to think, answering the question: “What would you do?” A fairy-tale hero who is in a difficult situation gains experience, and your child understands how to apply this knowledge in real life.
The book consists of fairy tales-simulators, in which the child himself will find the right way out of the situation, safely and effectively prepare for a life full of difficult choices and decisions. Of course, it is much easier to give a child a ready-made answer, but teaching a child to think and make decisions thoughtfully is a difficult task that parents can now cope with themselves. The author of the book is a child and adult practicing psychologist, a certified Gestalt therapist. More than 13 years of experience working with children aged 3,5 years and older, author of a blog, regular guest at the Lecture for Parents.

Barcode:   SKU: 70175964 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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