Son of a soldier. Book 1. The road of the shaman


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Son of a soldier. Book 1. The road of the shaman


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The Kingdom of Gernia expands its possessions, conquering and forcing to settle down, and even destroying nomadic tribes. The inhabitants of the plains wield natural magic; Gernia, on the other hand, has relied on modern weapons, and she confidently wins. But she still needs professional warriors. A tradition has long been established: in a noble family, the first son receives his father's inheritance, the third becomes a priest, and the second gets the lot of a soldier. Newar Bourvil, the second son of a man who received the title of lord for military merit, enters the prestigious Royal Academy of Cawalla. The young man boldly counts on a brilliant career as a cavalry officer, but soon discovers that the road ahead of him is far from straight. He falls into a web of injustice, intrigue and dirty games. And he still does not know that a special fate awaits him - to become a link between the ancient magical world and a rapidly developing civilization.

Barcode: 9785389203273 SKU: 70153705 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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