Python. Best practices and tools


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Python. Best practices and tools


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Python is a simple yet powerful language, which is why it is used in a wide variety of areas. Writing Python code is easy, but making it readable, reusable, and maintainable can be a challenge. The fourth edition of this book is updated with best practices, useful tools, and standards used by professional developers to help you not only overcome these challenges, but also learn the latest features and advanced language concepts.
The book begins with a light warm-up that introduces you to the latest Python enhancements, syntax elements, and useful tools to make your development more efficient. In addition, the initial chapters will help programmers with experience in other languages ​​successfully integrate into the Python ecosystem. The following chapters cover common design patterns and programming methodologies such as event-driven programming, concurrency, and metaprogramming. You'll also break down complex code examples and solve meaningful problems by linking Python to C and C++ and creating extensions that combine the strengths of different languages. The final chapters cover the complete lifecycle of an application after it goes live. By the end of the book, you will have mastered the development of efficient and maintainable Python code.

Barcode: 9785446120642 SKU: 70173839 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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