Python. Clean code for beginners


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Python. Clean code for beginners


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You've taken a Python programming tutorial or read a few beginner books. What's next? How to rise above the basic level, become a cool developer?
Python. Clean Code for Beginners is not a set of useful tips and tricks for writing clean code. You'll learn about the command line and other professional developer tools: code formatters, static analyzers, and version control. You will learn how to set up the development environment, give names to variables and functions that make the code readable, correctly comment and document software, evaluate the speed of programs and the complexity of algorithms, get acquainted with OOP. Such skills will raise your value as a programmer not only in Python, but in any other language. No book will replace real work experience and will not turn you from a beginner to a professional. But Clean Code for Beginners will take you a little further down this path: you will learn how to create clean, well-written, readable, debuggable code that can be called truly pythonic.

Barcode: 9785446118526 SKU: 70158469 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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