From food of gods to food of people. Food as the basis for the emergence of human civilization


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From food of gods to food of people. Food as the basis for the emergence of human civilization


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We know that life without food is impossible, but we rarely think about the fact that food is the most important driving force of history. Perhaps that is why such an obvious topic as the history of food has not received scientific development in our country. And in this sense, the book of Anna Pavlovskaya, doctor of historical sciences and professor at Moscow State University, is a unique phenomenon. The author examines the history of the ancient world through the prism of the history of food from the beginning of the so-called "Neolithic Revolution" to the onset of Antiquity, that is, the period when mankind made the transition from gathering and hunting to food production and thereby laid the foundation for the emergence of the first world civilizations. How, why and where did it happen? What were the consequences, cultural and physiological, of this transition? How is it reflected in myths and world religions? Answering these questions, the author along the way tells very interesting things about the origin of the most ancient food products, many of which are still present on our table.

Barcode: 9785916787078 SKU: 70155302 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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