Dangerous path. Battle for the forest


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The fifth book in the warrior cat series, The Dangerous Path, tells of a new terrible danger that has come to the forest, barely recovering from the fire. A pack of ferocious stray dogs finds a secret sanctuary in ThunderClan territory. The Star Ancestors send a prophecy about evil lurking in the forest, but none of the ThunderClan can correctly interpret it. Fireheart saves his Clan and drives out the dogs, but Bluestar is killed fighting the pack.
The sixth book in the Battle for the Forest series tells how Firestar, having become the leader of ThunderClan, goes to the sanctuary in the High Cliffs to receive the Gift of Nine Lives. During the sacrament, he sees a terrible omen and receives a prophecy about the approach of bloody times ... A magnificent edition of a large gift format with color illustrations. The third volume in the Warrior Cats series. Golden Collection". For middle school age.

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Barcode: 9785090930086 SKU: 70140050 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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