Consumer society


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Consumer society


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Jean Baudrillard (1929 - 2007) - the inventor of the terms "hyperreality" and "simulacrum", the "great provocateur" of modern philosophy, the author of works that completely changed the very attitude to the life of modern society, one of the most significant thinkers of the era of postmodernism, which, in fact, many researchers consider him nothing less than the "father-creator" of postmodern philosophy. Politics and economics, culture and mass media, art and even fashion - these are just a few things that, voluntarily or unwittingly, Baudrillard managed to radically influence.
The consumer society is a society of self-deception. A society that is chasing the meaningless and unconscious illusion of happiness. A society in which the very need for consumption has long since become an irrational end in itself, the "beauty industry" has equated the female body with a "commodity", and the "philosophy of success" devalues ​​the human individuality. The work of Jean Baudrillard, published in 1970, literally blew up the attitude of young intellectuals around the world. The absolute justice of this book is daily proved in our time by the very life of modern civilized countries - with its downshifting and "conscious consumption", the rejection of the "cult of luxury", the return to intangible values, the flourishing of feminism and even the slow death of the "high fashion industry" and "beauty industry". ".

Barcode: 9785171227296 SKU: 70144095 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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