Not that Fedot. Game of proverbs and sayings


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It is believed that proverbs and sayings are a storehouse of folk wisdom. So it is: in three or four words to formulate a deep thought is only possible ... indeed, the people. True, sometimes proverbs and sayings are so wise that it is rather difficult to understand what they are actually about. That is, as they say, the option is possible. They are just offered here. It remains, as usual, to choose the right one.
The game is a set of cards, on the front side of which there are proverbs or sayings and three options for their meaning. Of these, only one is correct. The player's task is to identify it and, turning the card over, check themselves or another participant in the game.

Number of cards: 120
Card size: 90 x 50 mm
Number of players: unlimited

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Barcode: 9785905815126 SKU: 70087912 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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