Pestilence of swords


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Pestilence of swords


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The Red Knight met in battle with all the forces of the enemy and won. This battle will be remembered for centuries. He managed to unite disparate armies and peoples against the most terrible enemy. But now he needs help even more than before. Behind one enemy stood another - and he also has allies. He did not want to destroy Alba at all, but simply to distract the kingdom and hide his real goal. And whatever it was, the Red Knight would definitely not like it. One army is defeated, but the Red Knight is forced to fight again... and for each of his allies there is an enemy. Enemies are everywhere, on land and sea, but sooner or later everyone will converge in one grand battle. But will the Red Knight guess the true intentions of his opponent? With each move, you can lose everything.

SKU: 70421936 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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