memento mori. A story of human achievement in the fight against the inevitable


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This is a book on the controversial subject of what risks have accompanied human life for centuries and how people have learned to avoid them in their natural desire for longevity. While only 100 years ago people died primarily from infectious diseases, today the main causes of death in industrialized countries are heart disease, stroke and cancer. By studying such statistics, we can understand how previous generations lived, learn from their mistakes, borrow the best and create new ones. From medieval famine and now half-forgotten scurvy to modern obesity; From the discovery of vitamin C and basic rules of sanitation and hygiene to stem cell therapy, DNA editing, genetic engineering - covering the topics of the causes of human death in a cross-section of generations and health issues, Professor Andrew Doig of the University of Manchester saturates his story with interesting facts from the field of history, culture , politics, law and economics. The topic of bad habits and all kinds of addictions is highlighted. A fascinating story of the accumulation of medical knowledge, amazing achievements and hopes for the future.

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Barcode: 9785389176362 SKU: 70162720 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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