Critical Thinking: Analyze, Doubt, Form Your Opinion


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Critical Thinking: Analyze, Doubt, Form Your Opinion


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Critical thinking is one of the key competencies of the human of the future. The ability to question and analyze any information is a great way to protect yourself from deception and manipulation. Tom Chatfield calls to analyze everything and everywhere: at work, in school and everyday life, and gives practical recommendations on how to do it. The author lists the signs by which one can recognize untruth and distinguish real arguments from false ones. Introduces deduction, induction and abduction, helps develop behavioral and mental strategies, talks about the enormous possibilities of language and rhetoric. The book is written with an excellent sense of humor, it contains many vivid examples and descriptions of numerous phenomena, paradoxes and traps. It will be useful to anyone who does not want to be fooled by pseudo-logic, statistics, or convincing-sounding beautiful words.

Barcode: 9785961420814 SKU: 70125106 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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