Chinese agents. Exploration of the Middle Kingdom from Mao to Xi


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Chinese agents. Exploration of the Middle Kingdom from Mao to Xi


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In the 1920s in Shanghai, Mao Zedong's associate Zhou Enlai established the first communist spy ring against the Nationalists, the Western powers, and the Japanese. Chinese agents have been global from the very beginning.
This book is based on previously unpublished documents and the author's personal conversations with dozens of intelligence sources around the world. This is a detailed and sensational history of Chinese intelligence for 100 years. The author shows that Chinese spies were and are everywhere: among scientists, journalists, diplomats, students and businessmen. Their trace is visible everywhere: from the Stalinist purges to the September 11 attacks and Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan. It seems that the secret agents of the Middle Kingdom are omnipotent... Are they as big as the Chinese economy and Xi Jinping's ambitions? What can be learned from them? Is it dangerous?

Barcode: 9785001809760 SKU: 70171049 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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