I dreamed too long


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Beautiful love stories never die. They continue to live in our memories and coincidences, in which we see former love. But for Natalie, these coincidences suddenly become too frequent. Everywhere she sees reminders of her old love. Someone seeks to bring back to life the passion that once almost destroyed it? When the past is repeated in the present almost to the point of complete indistinguishability, Natalie begins to seriously think about whether she has returned to the past ... Four time periods between 1999 and 2019, four cities - Montreal, San Diego, Barcelona and Jakarta and endless reflections of the past in the present and present in the past. “I dreamed too long” is a novel in which feelings and intrigue, rational and irrational, fantasies of the mind and reality are masterfully intertwined. This is not a traditional thriller, this is not a classic detective story, this is a complex psychological novel with riddles, with reflections on how much our past influences our present.

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Barcode: 9785864718384 SKU: 70132283 Categories: ,
Publication language: Russian

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