The history of the red demon


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The history of the red demon


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Robert Sheckley (1928–2005) and Roger Zelazny (1937–1995) are among the world's best-known and certainly the most beloved science fiction writers. By the time of his collaboration on The Story of the Red Demon, Sheckley had already written Immortality, Coordinates of Miracles, The First Victim, and more than a hundred stories, and Zelazny had written Jack of Shadows, Prince of Light, and Chronicles Amber. Love for mythology, a humorous view of the world, a reverent attitude to details - they had too much in common for their creative tandem to fail!
The confrontation between the forces of Light and Darkness is like a giant chessboard on which angels and demons make their moves, using famous mythological or historical characters as pawns and kings. Young enough by the standards of Hell, but full of enthusiasm, the demon Azzi is really seething with new non-standard ideas that can bring the power of the Dark Ones closer to the arena of world history, and push Azzi himself up the career ladder. The only trouble is that minor problems and shortcomings, unaccounted for nuances and annoying paradoxes, directly related to the nature of the gambling and frivolous demon, every time fall on him like a snowball. After all, the almighty Ananke, standing guard over the Order, does not allow the slightest manifestation of entropy in the Universe!

Barcode: 9785171488789 SKU: 70172037 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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