Color history. How colors have changed our world 


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Color is just a feature of the perception of different waves of light by the eye. Or not? We are surrounded by a real riot of colors, we know a huge number of colors and distinguish dozens of shades. And it's hard to imagine that once everything was different. Artists all their lives could look for a way to get the perfect blue, and meanwhile in some countries there was not even the concept of "blue", it was considered only a shade of green. We are used to the association of pink as a color for girls, and just a few decades ago, a famous boxer bought himself a pink convertible and no one found it funny or strange.
Our attitude to color is a set of associations and traditions that have been formed over many millennia. Although some of them have been established relatively recently. From this book you will learn: why yellow was chosen for a taxi; why white symbolizes purity in some cultures and death in others; Why is the color of jealousy green in some countries and red in others? Immerse yourself in the bright history of the world!

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Barcode: 9785041083069 SKU: 70125255 Category:
Publication language: Russian

See also:

  • All books of the publisher Exmo
  • All books by the author Evans Gavin
  • All books in the series Art