Dutch Republic. Her rise, greatness and fall. 1477-1806. Volume I


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The work of the famous British historian Jonathan I. Israel "History of Holland" brought to the attention of the reader is devoted to the 300-year period in the history of the Northern Netherlands from the Burgundian period to the era of Napoleon I (1477-1806). The chronological scope of the first volume of this study is limited to the middle of the XNUMXth century, marked by the end of the Early Golden Age in the history of the Republic of the United Provinces. The work is a comprehensive study in which, based on a wide range of sources and literature, all significant aspects of life in the Northern Netherlands of that era are considered. Description of religious contradictions, features of the economy and trade, class structure, way of life and culture, as well as an analysis of the foreign policy situation and military operations - all these aspects have found their appropriate place in this work. The author pays special attention to the problem of relations between the Northern and Southern Netherlands, the connection between them, but also the difference. The conclusion of the author about a significant delimitation between these regions even before the Revolution can rightly be called innovative. In this paper, the processes that led to the emergence of the revolutionary situation in the Netherlands, as well as to the subsequent economic and political power of the Republic, are studied in detail, and the general European foreign policy context is invariably taken into account when describing military operations against Spain. The book is intended for both specialists and all lovers of world history, and can also serve as a guide for students who have chosen European history of the early modern and modern times as their specialty.

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Barcode:   SKU: 70407543 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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