Financial management and management accounting for executives and businessmen


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The book is an introduction to accounting and finance. It focuses not on the technical aspects of preparing financial statements, but on principles and concepts, as well as how to apply the analysis of financial information in practice when making decisions. The General Provisions are supplemented by extensive illustrative material - excerpts from company reports, research data, etc. This edition is fully aligned with the requirements of IFRS. The book is written in the style of "open learning" - it is full of tasks, exercises, examples and questions to facilitate the assimilation of the material. It's more "user friendly" than a regular textbook, and it's easy to work with, whether you're studying it on your own or in school. The book is aimed at entrepreneurs, middle and top managers who do not have special financial and accounting education.

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Barcode: 9785961469394 SKU: 70155434 Categories: ,
Publication language: Russian

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