Gospel of the Executioner


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Gospel of the Executioner


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The famous writers Arkady and Georgy Vainers began their study of the collapse and rebirth of the Soviet ideology in the novel The Noose and the Stone in the Green Grass. The Gospel of the Executioner is the second part of the dilogy. In the 1970s, the retired but not yet old Colonel of the MGB Khvatkin is still on horseback: he has an apartment in a prestigious building, a second wife, numerous easy activities and connections. He even owns a blue Mercedes! The times when he worked to extract evidence from various "enemies of the people" are long gone. True, Maika, the obstinate daughter from her first marriage, decided to marry a foreigner ... This in itself is not good, but further - more. The groom suddenly decided to call the future father-in-law to account for past crimes, and, as it turned out, a lot of material had been accumulated on the colonel. Khvatkin himself is the narrator in the novel. Memory at times throws him out of the prosperous present into the bloody indescribable past. We see his life from the inside, through his own eyes. And here is the "good news" from the executioner: the element of people who do not hesitate to break other people's destinies is fear. They give birth to it, feed on it and understand only this language. Words of mercy and love are unknown to them, inaccessible. And their life is ugly. But that doesn't make them any less dangerous...

Barcode: 9785389206045 SKU: 70154064 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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