Jack Richer. Hourly


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When Jack Reacher has nowhere to go, he is rescued by a tried and true principle: go no matter where. One day, nomadic fate throws him into an obscure Tennessee town. Jack does not plan to stay here longer than necessary for breakfast in a cafe, but suddenly the instincts of a private detective and an ex-military are sounding the alarm: a passerby who accidentally catches his eye is about to fall into a set trap. Four for one. This means that Reacher can't help but get into a fight. This is his signature style of conflict resolution. Rule number one: if you don't know what you're in for, make sure Jack Reacher stays by your side. For the first time in Russian, a new novel about a famous hero!

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Barcode: 9785389194540 SKU: 70149729 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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