Jack and the golden snuffbox. Tales of the peoples of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


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This book contains more than 40 fairy tales from different parts of the UK. Funny and scary. Simple and intricate. Fantastic and everyday, as if there is nothing strange in the fact that a voracious fire-breathing dragon wound up in a well right in the courtyard of your house. Magic is literally around the corner, beyond the threshold; and if you do not get scared, do not retreat under the pressure of evil, do not lose your ingenuity, remain faithful to Good and Light, then you will definitely win. Wonderful illustrations will take the reader into the world of giants and fairies, sleeping knights and ferocious boars. Fairy tales from the collection of the famous folklorist Joseph Jacobs, translated by Marina Litvinova, come out with classic illustrations by Anatoly Itkin. Who will like it: lovers of books with beautiful pictures from 5 to 99 years old, as well as those who want to look into the world of magical stories in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

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Barcode: 9785928733896 SKU: 70426696 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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