Crescent City. Book 1. House of Earth and Blood


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Crescent City. Book 1. House of Earth and Blood


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Bryce Quinlan is the illegitimate daughter of a mortal woman and the Fae King Autumn. But no one knows about the origin of Bryce and the magical powers hidden in her, except for the girl's mother and herself. Bryce lives in the city of the Crescent, works in an antique gallery, which is kept by the elderly sorceress Jeziba, a former witch who fled from her clan. Once it happened that Danica, the girl's friend, werewolf and leader of the Devil Pack, an elite detachment of werewolves patrolling urban areas, dies a terrible death - an unknown demon literally tears her apart. Who is the killer of her friend? And why such a terrible death? Will this affect Bryce herself? So far, only some questions, answers await her ahead.
For the first time in Russian, the beginning of a new book series from the author of the famous cycle about Selena Sardotin, the invincible female assassin, and the no less famous series of books about the adventures of Feira.

Barcode: 9785389181588 SKU: 70138937 Categories: ,
Publication language: Russian

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