Doctor and soul. Logotherapy and Existential Analysis


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Doctor and soul. Logotherapy and Existential Analysis


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What is the secret of healing when it comes to the human soul? In the figure of a psychotherapist, in a properly selected technique or medicine, in the desire of the patient himself? Where is the line drawn between medicine and philosophy in these difficult questions? This book is the main scientific work of Viktor Frankl, the first version of which he wrote before being deported to a concentration camp. Exploring the conceptual and empirical approaches in psychiatry, Frankl supplements the understanding of the soul with the concept of the spirit as the core of the personality, which remains intact in any illness, shows the role of existential analysis in the treatment of mental disorders - from neuroses and depression to schizophrenic psychoses. The patient turns to a psychiatrist, desperate to find the purpose and meaning of life. And in this search, Frankl sees the main aspiration and the most important task of a person, it is on this basis that he builds his method (logotherapy), which helps to understand, find, return meanings - the meaning of life, suffering, work and love.

Barcode: 9785001390336 SKU: 70127947 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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