"Centurions" of Ivan the Terrible. Governors and heads of the Moscow army in the second half of the XNUMXth century.


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"Centurions" of Ivan the Terrible. Governors and heads of the Moscow army in the second half of the XNUMXth century.


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In this book, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.V. Pensky, on the basis of a rigorous analysis of a wide range of sources and literature, the fate of Russian servicemen of the XNUMXth century, who occupied middle command posts in the military hierarchy of the Russian state of that era, was analyzed. They can be called the "centurions" of the Moscow army. Until recently, people like the heroes of the essays in this book rarely became the object of attention of historians. However, such inattention towards the "centurions" is clearly unfair. Step by step, the author of the study, telling about the life of his heroes, reveals a picture of the history of the Russian state in a complex and ambiguous era, the creators of which were not only sovereigns, boyars, church hierarchs and others, “standing in a greedy crowd at the throne”, but above all “initial people" of the middle hand. They led hundreds of boyar children into battle, carried out diplomatic missions, built and defended fortresses, and ruled in cities. By their labors, sweat and blood, a great power was built, but at the same time they themselves were deprived of the attention of both contemporaries and descendants. This work is intended to correct this injustice, at least in part. Written in a lively, but at the same time scientific language, the study is intended for teachers, students and anyone interested in the military history of Russia in the XNUMXth century, the history of Russian military affairs and the daily life of Russian society of that era. 

Barcode:   SKU: 70145460 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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